A celebration of difference: ‘The Odds’ by Matt Stanton

Meet the Odds…because fitting in is overrated. The Odds by Matt Stanton Kip lives in a noisy city with her dad, who makes graphic novels. She’s quiet and has a hard time fitting in at school, where other kids often laugh at her difference. One day ten characters, all decidedly odd beings, appear in her bedroom. It takes Kip a while to recognise them from the world of dreams, imagination and stories that she sometimes prefers to real life. That’s the start of a mad-cap adventure as Pip and her dad try to figure out how to get the uncooperative Odds back to their own worlds of comic strip, picture book, TV show, video game and dream. In the process, Kip learns that it’s easier to tackle hard things with someone you love, and that it’s possible to accept ourselves – and others – for who we are. Dad: Hard things are just hard, Kippo. You can’t escape them, but you know what does help?Kip: What?Dad: You. Even the hardest things are made easier if you have someone to share them with. The Odds p104 The Odds delivers its message with a light touch and lots of humour, deftly pointing out the oddities in everyone: Kip: But after all, isn’t odd just another word for special? I’m odd. We’re all odd. And that’s… normal. The Odds p139 It’s a perfect little book for early readers who like stories that make them laugh and invite them to think a bit, too. The Odds is published by Harper Collins Children’s Books on 29 October 2020. My thanks to the publishers for a review copy. #AussieAuthor20